Morrison Sustainable Energy - Solar PV Panels & Batteries

Morrison Solar PV Panels & Batteries

Approx. 40-50% saving on electricity!

Are you interested in getting up to 100% of your energy from Solar PV & Batteries?

Solar Photovoltaic, PV panels can be connected to approved energy suppliers. This means they can pass any savings back to you, resulting in an electricity bill that’s up to approx. 50% cheaper.

Batteries can be used in conjunction with this product for energy storage. This energy can then be used during high-peak usage to power any household appliance.

Batteries can store energy from solar PV and wind turbines at the same time.

We are a utility like no other

We don’t give all the money to the energy, fat cats. Our energy network isn’t made up of big expensive power stations. Instead, it’s made up of our customers, your solar, and your energy storage batteries – all wirelessly linked, creating a power station in the sky.

We work with leading energy storage manufacturers

Morrison Sustainable Energy is the first Home Energy Trading solution to be fully compliant with National Grid’s dynamic frequency response service.

Talk with Morrison Sustainable Energy today and discover how you can save money year-on-year within your home or business as well as reduce your overall carbon footprint!

Solar PV Panels & Batteries Gallery

What our customers say about us...

Make significant savings on your energy bills by installing any of our sustainable energy products.
Financing options are available to assist you with the initial purchase and installation.
For a free consultation and energy check call us on:
01795 505 537 or E-mail:

Morrison Sustainable Energy Morrison Sustainable Energy Morrison Sustainable Energy

MORRISON PLUMMERS LTD. Company No. 08994602 | Registered Office: 6 Cecil Square, Margate, Kent, CT9 1BD
Registered: In England | VAT No. 214991302

Public Liability Insurance - held with GSI Insurance Services (Southern) Ltd. Ref: 00180632

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